The UBA is an association (a non-profit association) of services with more than 3000 members that represents almost all active Belgian radio amateurs.

What is the UBA?
The UBA (Royal Union of Belgian Radio Amateurs) is an association of people, with one common interest: they are all interested in the technology of radio communication.
The statutes clearly state that radio amateurism is a technical hobby and not a communication hobby like CB (Citizen Band). Radio amateurism is recognised by the International Telecommunications Union (the ITU is a division of the United Nations that is responsible for allocating the radio spectrum and defining all procedures related to telecommunications) and is recognised as a SERVICE (just like the land-mobile service, the maritime service, etc...), this because of the many contributions and services that radio amateurism has brought to the community for almost one century.
What does the UBA do?
The UBA represents radio amateurs before all national and regional authorities (ministries, BIPT, etc...) and defends their interests there, primarily in a proactive manner. It also represents Belgian radio amateurs through its links with the IARU (International Amateur Radio Union) at the highest decision-making levels worldwide (ITU, UN).
The UBA helps and supports its members in all kinds of aspects in the practice of the hobby (providing information, QSL cards service, organising activities, insurance, legal assistance, etc...) and it helps candidate radio amateurs prepare for the BIPT exam.
Situation of the UBA nationally and internationally
The UBA is the only national association of radio amateurs in Belgium. It is also only it that is recognised by the IARU as the representative of Belgian radio amateurs. In turn, the IARU is the only worldwide association of radio amateurs recognised by the ITU (International Telecommunications Union). The ITU recognises the radio amateur service and globally defines radio amateur bands (and bands for all other services) and country prefixes. The IARU coordinates and represents the interests of all member associations (such as the UBA) at the ITU.
Organisation into UBA sections (local sections)
The UBA consists of more than 80 local sections. These are spread across the whole of Belgium. Each section is headed by a section president. He is elected annually among the members of his section.
The various UBA sections organise meetings at regular intervals. Some of them even have weekly meetings. Many sections also organise classes to prepare for the BIPT exam. The sections also take care of sending and receiving QSL cards. These can be issued and collected by members at the section. The sections also organise talks, social and promotional activities and take part in competitions (contests), etc.... In some sections, there is also extensive self-building. In other words, each section pretty much has its own character and specificity.
We therefore suggest you pay a visit to one or more sections in your neighbourhood. There you can meet the section chairman and some of the members. Written or telephone contact with the president of the section of your choice is also possible.
Provision of information by the UBA
Information is provided to members in various ways:
- The magazine CQ-QSO: CQ-QSO is published 6 times a year. CQ-QSO is the official magazine of the association. It is bilingual (i.e. all articles are included in both Dutch and French). The magazine contains technical articles and general information (e.g. BIPT issues) as well as trivia collected by those in charge of the HF, VHF and other committees,
- The UBA Web-site on the Internet: the UBA Web-site ( has a double purpose:
- to be a hatch to the outside world and to those who are not (yet) members of the UBA,
- to be a source of quick information to UBA members. Some of that information is indeed provided only to UBA members.
- Through the DM-CM channel: The DMs (district managers or provincial presidents) attend UBA Board meetings and organise meetings in their region with the Section Presidents (CMs) who are thus informed of what has been decided at the Board. This is a two-way communication and information channel through which questions from members can also flow back to the Board.
Corporate address
Koninklijke Unie van de Belgische Zendamateurs (UBA)
Vereniging Zonder Winstoogmerk
Drukpersstraat 4
1000 Brussel
☎ +32 (0)2 898 98 68 (only available during office hours).