Spring Contest 2024
The UBA section of DST (Diest) invites all radio amateurs to take part in the 41st edition of the UBA SPRING-CONTEST.
1. Contest dates / Contest parts
- HF-80m CW: 3 March 2024 (07.00 -11.00 hour UTC).
- VHF-2m Phone/CW: 10 March 2024 (07.00 -11.00 hour UTC).
- HF-80m Phone: 17 March 2024 (07.00 -11.00 hour UTC).
- VHF-6m Phone/CW: 24 March 2024 (07.00 -11.00 hour UTC).
Attention: only UTC time in the log is valid.
2. Contest call
CQ UBA contest.
6. Reports
- ON Stations: Report = RS(T) + QSO serial number starting with 001 + UBA section or XXX for ON stations NOT member of the UBA. Ex: ON4DST - rprt given 59(9)001 DST - rprt received 59(9)003 MCL. The letter group UBA, to be named by the national association station ON4UB, ON4UBA, ON4DIG and ON4XYL.
- Foreign stations: Report = RS(T) + QSO serial number starting with 001. Ex.: G3ZZZ - report given 59(9)005 - report received 59(9)019 DST.
The QSO serial number must run continuously, regardless of the mode of transmission (VHF).
3. Points
3 points for each contact.
Only “point to point” contacts via the air are allowed.
5. Multipliers
- Each section of the UBA (group of 3 characters), sent by the ON stations member of the UBA. Ex.: DST, OSB and LGE are 3 multipliers.
- The 3 characters group XXX, sent by ON stations NOT member of the UBA.
- The 3 characters group UBA, sent by the National stations ON4UB, ON4UBA, ON4DIG and ON4XYL.
- For ON stations only: all DXCC countries, except ON.
6. SWL's
- Each station HEARD may be counted ONCE.
- A station WORKED may appear a maximum of 10 times.
- Each QSO logged must contain at least one ON station.
7. Foreign stations
Only contacts with ON stations are valid.
8. Final score
Total of QSO points x Total of MULTIPLIERS.
9. Classifications
a. Individual rankings for each contest
- (1) ON Stations (QRP separate).
- (2) Foreign Stations.
- (3) SWL ON Stations.
- (4) Foreign SWL Stations.
b. Rankings by club (UBA Sections)
- (1) 80m band: SSB and CW.
- (2) VHF bands: 2m and 6m.
A= Sum of the individual final scores of the section.
B= Number of logs of the section.
C= The number of members of the section (March 1, 2024).
10. QRP stations
QRP stations indicate "QRP" in the log header.
Maximum output power: CW = 5 Watts, Phone = 10 Watts.
11. Trophies
- The winner of each classification and the QRP station with the best result in each part of the contest will receive an award if they have at least 25 valid QSO or 25 heard stations in their log and if there are at least 3 participants in the results.
- A challenge cup is provided for the winning section of the HF and VHF contests. After three consecutive victories by the same section, this trophy becomes the property of the section.
12. Logs
Only CABRILLO log files are accepted.
No paper logs are accepted anymore.
Rename the files to MYCALL.CBR or MYCALL.LOG where "MYCALL" is your callsign. (Examples ON4DST.CBR or ON4DST.LOG).
Data to be listed (in this order):
- Transmitting stations: Band, mode, date, UTC, own callsign, given report, callsign worked station, received report.
- SWL stations: Band, mode, date, UTC, callsign heard station, report given by heard station, callsign counter station.
"Cabrillo header" must contain the following:
- Callsign.
- Name, first name and full address.
- UBA region (only for UBA members).
- Category you are participating in.
- Station description with transmit power.
Incomplete logs serve as 'check logs'.
Remark: each amateur can only send in one log per contest part (either as ONL, ON-call or with his 2nd callsign).
13. Deadline
The logs must arrive at latest 2 weeks after each contest date via: https://springcontest.on4dst.be/
Once a log is accepted, no more changes or replacements will be accepted.
14. Disqualification
- Logs with more than 5% faulty QSO's will be disqualified.
- If the same person sends more than one log per contest, these logs will be disqualified.
- Absence of one or more items of information listed in paragraph 12 may result in disqualification.
15. HF bandplanning
The IARU contest segments should be respected.
- CW: 3,510 to 3,560 MHz.
- SSB: 3,600 to 3,650 MHz and 3,700 tot 3,775 MHz.
16. Remarks
By participating, the participating stations declare:
- To have worked in accordance with the applicable rules for radio amateurs in their country.
- Accept the contest rules and any decision of the UBA Spring Committe
Good luck! The UBA spring contest committee
UBA Sections
AAA | Antwerpse Actieve Amateurs | ERA | Eeklose Radioamateurs | MTT | Mol-Turnhout | REM | Radioamateurs Erpe-Mere | |||
ACC | Antwerp Contest Club | GBN | Geraardsbergen | MWV | Midden West-Vlaanderen | RST | Sint-Truiden | |||
ALT | Radioamateurs Aalter | GBX | GemBlouX | NBT | Noord Brabant | RSX | Ronse | |||
ARA | Actieve Radio Amateurs | GDV | Gang De Verviers | NLB | Noord Limburg | SNW | Sint-Niklaas | |||
ARC | Amateur Radio Club of Brussels | GNT | Gent | NMR | NaMuR | TLS | Tussen Leie en Schelde | |||
ATH | Radio Club de Ath | GTM | Grensloze TransMissie | NNV | Ninove | TRA | Torhoutse Radio Amateurs | |||
ATO | Tienen | HAC | Hasselt | NOK | Noorderkempen | TRC | Trudo Radioamateurs Club | |||
BDX | Brussels DX team | HCC | Haaglandse Contest Club | NOL | Noord-Oost Limburg | TWS | Together We''re Strong | |||
BLW | Brussel West | HOB | Heist-op-den-Berg | ODE | Oudenaarde | UBA | UBA National Clubstations | |||
BRC | Bell Radio Club | HRT | Herentals | ONZ | Oosthoek | VHF | Antwerpen VHF | |||
BSE | Brabant Sud-Est | IPR | Ieper | ORA | Opwijkse Radio Amateurs | WLD | Waasland | |||
BTS | BrabanT Sud | KSD | Koksijde | OSA | Antwerpen | WRA | Wortegemse Radioamateurs | |||
BXE | BruXelles Est | KTK | Kortrijk | OSB | Brugge | WRC | West-vlaamse Radio Club | |||
CDZ | Ciney Beauraing Rochefort | LGE | Liège | OST | Oostende | WTN | Radio Club Wetteren | |||
CLR | CharLeRoi | LIR | Lierse Radioamateurs | PHI | Section radio de Philippeville | WTO | WaTerlOo | |||
CPN | Charleroi Pays Noir | LLV | La LouVière | RAF | Radio Club Famenne-Ardenne | XXX | Not UBA member | |||
CRD | Club Radioamateur de Durnal | LUS | LUxembourg Sud | RAM | Radio-Amateurs Mouscronnois | ZLB | Zuid Limburg | |||
DNZ | Deinze | LVN | Leuven | RAT | Radio Amateur Team | ZLZ | Zelzate | |||
DRC | Dendermonde | MCL | Mechelen | RBO | Eupen | ZOV | Zuid-Oost-Vlaamse Radioamateurs | |||
DST | Diest | MLB | Midden Limburg | RCA | Radio Club des Ardennes | ZTM | Zottegem | |||
EKO | Meetjeslandse Radioamateurs | MNS | MoNS | RCN | Radio Club Noord |